Trigger Updates

You can leverage the REST API to programmatically trigger an update when desired.

While the primary use-case will be to trigger updates, we will be adding more and more functionality to the API overtime. Let us know what else you want to see in our community!


You can generate an API key through the dashboard. The API key is associated with the entire org and can be used across multiple deployments.

Admin API key

The Admin API key is used for the majority of the API. It is used to trigger updates via the Update endpoint.

Chat API key

The Chat API allows you to embed the AI chat experience grounded in your docs and continually kept up to date into any application of your choosing.

Responses include citations so you can point your users to the right places they need to get help.

The Chat API token is a public token that can be referenced in your frontend code whereas the API key is a server-side token that should be kept secret.

Now that you have an API key, check out our example for how to use the API for AI chat. You can also see a deployed version of this example at